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State Aid

The “State aid criteria self-check” contains four mandatory questions and a justification text field for each question. For further guidance about State Aid, please carefully read the Programme Manual.

How to complete the State Aid self check

To complete the State Aid information, select the relevant partner from the list in Section B of the application form menu, in the left-hand side menu. Then click on the State Aid tab.

You will be presented four questions. For each question select an answer: YES or NO. If the answers is YES, please add a short explanation. If the answer is NO, leave blank or write Not applicable.

Depending on the combination of the answers to the four questions, there can be three different results of the State aid criteria self-check:

  • There is a risk of State aid: please complete the form further.

  • There is a risk of indirect aid: please complete the form further.

  • No risk of State aid: no further action is necessary

State Aid relevant activities

In case of a risk of State Aid, it is possible to select from a drop-down menu the project activities that are State Aid relevant.
The list of activities will appear after they have been added in section C.4 Workplan.

GBER Scheme/ De minimis

This section will be finalised after approval based on the Programme’s assessment of State Aid relevance. It is however possible to select a regime from the drop-down list, as an indication.

The Programme will assess a project’s State Aid relevance based on the information in the Application Form, and may come to different conclusions than those resulting from this self-check. The programme administration will follow up with approved projects in case of State Aid relevant activities.

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