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Section D - Project budget

All Budget tables are filled in automatically based on the information inserted in the partners’ section. Go to Section B - partner budget to insert amounts.

Section D budget tables are not included in the PDF export of the Application Form. Both tables can be exported separately in the Export section in Jems. These tables can also be used as empty templates for drafting a project budget.

D.1 Project budget per co-financing source (fund) - breakdown per partner

This overview table shows the amounts of grant requested, source of funding and contribution for each partner.

You can use this table to verify that the funding source, and thereby grant rate, are correctly assigned to each partner.

The values “Total Fund % rate” can be disregarded.

The table might require a few seconds to display properly. If you are working on a small screen, scroll to the right to see all columns in the table.

This table can be exported in the project Export section. To access this section, select “Export” at the bottom of the Application Form menu.

D.2 Overview per partner / per cost category

This overview table shows the total amount budgeted under each cost category for each partner.

This table can be exported in the project Export section. To access this section, select “Export” at the bottom of the Application Form menu.

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