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2. Contracting phase

Once the Application Form has been updated and Approved in Jems, a new menu header appears about Contracting.

The following items are part of the contracting section and must be completed by the Lead Partner and Partners.

The Programme will notify the Lead Partner when they can fill in this section. Before the partners can complete their section, the Lead Partner must assign the project user privileges.

Menu item




Contracts and agreements

In this area the Lead Partner uploads the Grant Letter and Partnership Agreement. Other project related files can also be uploaded.

Can edit and view

Can view only

Project managers

These are the contact information of the people who manage the project.

Can edit and view

Can view only

Project reporting schedule

The aim of this section is to display the project reporting deadlines and project timeplan.

Can view only

Can view only

Partner Details

Each partner has a dedicated partner page in the contracting section with information to be kept up to date.

Can edit

Can edit

Assign project privileges to the partners

Assigning privileges to project partners allows them to collaborate in the project. To learn more about project privileges, please consult the information in the management section.

In order to enable partners to complete their information in the contracting section, and to generate and complete a partner report, it is necessary to assign them to the project.

It is only possible to assign users who are already registered in Jems. If a partner does not have a Jems user, it should first register one. Share this link to explain how to register a user in Jems.

How to add project partners in Jems

Only Application Form/Managers users with "Manage” privileges can add and edit users to each partner organisations.

  • In the main menu, scroll all the way down to "Project privileges”.

  • Scroll down to the relevant partner organisations and click on "+” to add a user.

  • In the text field "Jems username” type the exact email address of the user you want to add.

  • Select "View” if the user should only be allowed to see the AF, contracting and partner report information. It is recommended that the Lead partner user is added to all project teams in order to have an overview of partner reporting.
    Select “Edit” if the user should be allowed to write and edit the AF, contracting and partner report information.

  • How to handle GDPR sensitive data

    When you assign users to your project and partner team(s) you should consider who is allowed to view sensitive data that may me uploaded in the List of Expenditure, such as employment contracts and payslips.

    To limit the users who are able to view sensitive data, make sure you enable to "Sensitive data” only the relevant users in each partner organisation.

    Note: Controllers should always be enable for sensitive data.

  • Save changes for the update to become effective.

  • Move to the next partner to add a new user. The newly added users will not be notified by the system. Please inform your partners once you have added them.

Complete the contracting information

Click on each item and follow the instructions to complete this section.

Contracts and Agreements

The Contracts and agreements section is where the Lead Partner is expected to upload the Grant Letter sent by the Managing Authority, and the Partnership Agreement.

Some data that has already been filled in by the programme.

What to do:

  1. Website: Once available, add the project website link in this field.

  2. Partnership Agreement: Select the date of entry into force of the Partnership Agreement.

  3. In the Attachments section, select "Contracts” and upload the Grant Letter signed by the programme. Once the file is uploaded, scroll to the right and click on the pencil icon to add a brief description of the document.

  4. In the Attachment section, select “Project” and upload other project related files e.g. the Partnership Agreement. Once the file is uploaded, scroll to the right and click on the pencil icon to add a brief description of the document.

  5. Save changes as you go.

Who can edit this section:

Project users with Lead Applicant edit or manage rights can also upload documents in this section:

  • either related to contracts (signed contracts) in Contracts dedicated section or

  • other project related files - in Project dedicated section.

Project managers

Please add the contact information of the people who manage the project.

  • Select “Project managers” from the Contracting menu.

  • Select the text fields to complete the contact information of the Project manager, Financial manager and Communication manager.

  • Click on “Save changes”.

Project reporting schedule

This section is completed by the programme administration. No action is required in this section.

The "Date” column of the Reporting schedule displays the deadline by which a Project Report must be submitted to the programme. The report submission deadline is always 3 months from the end of the period.

Partner Details - To be filled in by ALL partners.

This section collects information that is necessary for audit purposes. Each project partner should complete this section. In order for a partner to complete this section, the Lead Partner must assign project users.

1. Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO)

In line with the CPR (Common Provision Regulation), partner organisation(s) are required to fill-in the Ultimate Beneficial Owner(s) of their organisation. That is a natural person that ultimately owns a company or legal arrangement, e.g. foundations, trusts.

It is sufficient that each partner completes this section with the VAT number of the ultimate beneficial owner(s).


  • Click on “+ Add beneficial owner” to insert information.

  • Click on the text fields to enter the Name, Surname, date of birth and VAT/Tax ID number of the UBO.

  • If the organisation has more than one UBO, click on “+ Add beneficial owner” to insert the data of the next UBO.

  • Repeat the operation for all UBOs in this organisation.

  • Save changes.

2. Bank Details

Every partner has a space where they can keep their bank details up to date.

The Programme will pay the grant amounts to the Lead Partner. It will be the Lead Partner’s responsibility to redistribute the funding to the partners, as outlined in the Partnership Agreement. Therefore, each partner organisation has this section available and is also reminded to keep this up to date before partner reports are submitted.


  • Click in each text field to type the bank details.

  • Save changes

3. Location of documents

Partner organisations have also the possibility to keep the location of documents up to date. Organisation(s) are required to indicate where original documents are stored and can use this space to fulfil this requirement.


  • Click in each text field to type the location of the documents

  • Save changes

4. Attachments

Each partner can upload supporting documentation that is visible to the partner organisation and to other users with access rights to this page, including the programme user.

  • Click on “Upload file” to add a document.

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