Results & Horizontal Principles
Project results
Project managers shall describe the progress on planned results by inserting how much was achieved in the specific reporting period.
Results are cumulative, meaning that if a report is submitted and another report created the values from the previous report are added to the cumulative values. The cumulative value achieved is calculated as the sum of all the figures reported in all Project reports with the status submitted.
For each result, please:
indicate the number of finalised items (full numbers only, no decimals or percentage values). Negative numbers could be used to correct achievements wrongfully reported in previous Project reports.
Add a description
Upload all relevant attachments in compressed format (e.g. zip).
Read carefully the Programme Manual instructions to report on project results and how to document them.

Horizontal Principles
For Horizontal principles there is a table to report on the contribution for each of the three principles. The Type of contribution is pre-defined from the latest approved application form and cannot be changed.

In the text field Description of contribution please describe:
a) Sustainable development – project’s actions to decrease project’s carbon footprint, responsible use of resources and cost efficiency of materials, services, equipment, actions to limit the waste, greening principles applied for events
b) Equal opportunities and non-discrimination - accessibility of produced materials and activities, involvement of underrepresented groups at project’s activities and events
c) Equality between men and women - concrete actions to help equalise the gender balance in project activities and meetings; concrete actions to help equalise the gender balance in a project leadership; concrete actions towards breaking the gender stereotypes
For the 1st Period reporting, please upload the Step 1 documents form your Kick-off meeting into the Attachment section and upload the filled Step 2 file in the Shared folder.
For the 3rd and 6th Period reporting, please update the Step 2 file in the Shared folder to reflect your project’s progress towards the pre-selected best practices.