Financial overview
The financial overview tables show how the project is proceeding in terms of spending. The amounts included in the tables represent the aggregation of data from all project reports submitted by the date when the current project report was created.
Please note that only the project report created after all other project reports were submitted and verified will show the most recent aggregated data.
The project report financial overview section includes 7 different financial overview tables based on amounts that have already been verified by a controller.
Project Expenditure - summary (in Euro)
This section shows the project budget reported progress at the moment of creation of current partner report - divided per fund and contribution type.

Project total eligible budget: amounts as indicated in the Application form
Previously reported : Sums up amounts from project reports previously verified and included in a previous project report.
Current report: sum of the partner report certificates included in the current report.
Total reported so far: sum of columns "Previously reported” and “Current report”. That equals to the total amount certified so far by the partnership.
% of total: ratio of “Total reported so far” over “Total eligible budget”.
Remaining budget: This column indicates the difference between Total reported so far and Total eligible budget from the application form. This value can become negative in case the certified expenditures exceed the budget in approved application form.
NOTE: these amounts do not take into account deductions made by the Programme at the time of verification.Previously paid: When a payment is made, the amounts related to funds paid by the programme will be added to this column in the next created report after payment is confirmed in the system.
When the project report is verified by the Programme, the following two new columns get added:
Previously verified: Upon creation of the report the system checks which other reports are verified and sums up all the verified amounts.
Current report after verification: When the current report is verified the amount after MA/JS deductions will be displayed here.
Project Expenditure - breakdown per cost category (in Euro)
This section shows the project budget reported progress at the moment of creation of current partner report - divided per cost category.

Project total eligible budget: amounts as indicated in the Application form
Previously reported : Sums up amounts from project reports previously verified and included in a previous project report.
Current report: sum of the partner report certificates included in the current report.
Total reported so far: sum of columns "Previously reported” and “Current report”. That equals to the total amount certified so far by the partnership.
% of total: ratio of “Total reported so far” over “Total eligible budget”.
Remaining budget: This column indicates the difference between Total reported so far and Total eligible budget from the application form. This value can become negative in case the reported expenditures exceed the budget in approved application form.
NOTE: these amounts do not take into account deductions made by the Programme.
When the project report is verified by the Programme, the following two new columns get added:
Previously verified: Upon creation of the report the system checks which other reports are verified and sums up all the verified amounts.
Current report after verification: When the current report is verified the amount after MA/JS deductions will be displayed here.
Project expenditure - overview per partner/per cost category - Current report
This table shows the values per partner and per cost category only from the Current report.

Project expenditure - Summary of deducted items by control - Current report
This table adds up all deductions carried out by control per partner and type of error. These values are not cumulative but only related to the certificates included in this report.