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Work Plan progress (small-scale projects)

In this section please summarise how the work progressed, and explain how the partners were involved and who did what. Please give a status on each of the activities outlined in the original application.

Click on the Work package area to expand it and add the relevant information.

Project specific objective

  • Select the tick box "This work package is completed” to indicate the work has been completed.

  • Select the specific objective status from the drop-down menu: Fully achieved, Partly achieved, Not achieved.

  • In the explanations field describe the progress towards the achievement of the project specific objective.

Communication objective

  • Select the communication objective status from the drop-down menu: Fully achieved, Partly achieved, Not achieved.

  • In the explanations field describe the progress towards the achievement of the project communication objective.

PREPARATORY PROJECTS do not have communication objectives and therefore do not have to report on their achievement.


  • To describe progress, click in the text filed and insert the relevant information at project level.

  • For each activity, please select an achievement status from the drop-down menu, complete the description and upload relevant attachments in compressed format (e.g. zip).

  • For each deliverable, please indicate the number of finalised items, add a description and upload all relevant attachments in compressed format (e.g. zip).

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