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Submit (small-scale projects)

In this section the project report can be submitted. After submission, the project report is frozen and the MA/JS verification can be started.

Pre-submission checks

Before submitting the report, an automatic pre-submission check is run to verify that the report is complete in all its part and that the correct dates have been inserted.

It is only possible to submit the report when all checks return valid.

Report Submission

When submitting the final project report, the Lead Partner agrees to the official statement reported below.

Please be aware that after submission, your report will be available for the Programme and changes to the Project report are no longer possible.


You are about to officially submit your Preparatory Project Final report.

Make sure to submit your Project report in time as agreed with the programme.

By submitting your partner report you certify that the information in this Project Report is complete and correct, and in accordance with national laws and EU regulations, and, if applicable, State aid regulations.

You further acknowledge the rules considering public tendering, competition policy and eligible costs.

By submitting this Project Report you also apply for payment in accordance with the Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 2021-2027 decision for project funding.

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