Report identification
When creating a report you will land automatically on the first tab called Partner report identification.
Please complete the information in this section following the instructions below.
Please write in a style of press release.
1 - Highlights of main achievements
Please describe project progress up to now, including project objectives reached and main outputs delivered, highlighting the added value of the cooperation. The description should be coherent with the activities and expenses listed in other parts of this Project Report.
The summary should highlight main achievements, positive impacts, interesting and understandable for non-specialists. We would like to capture positive impacts of your work, tangible or intangible, anticipated or unexpected
If applicable, please report on any collaboration with other EU funded projects during this period.
2 - Overview of project outputs and results
There is an overview of Output and result indicators. Values are cumulative. Whenever a report is submitted and a new report is created the values from the previously submitted report are added to the previously reported column.
3 - Partner problems and deviations
In this section it is possible to give a concise description and justification of any problems and deviations including delays from the work plan presented in the application form and the solutions found.
Issues may regard:
Objectives, outputs, results (project feasibility, critical path, stakeholder
engagement, viability of outputs, dissemination);Partnership development, and cooperation dynamics;
Budget (spending level, eligibility issues, State Aid);
It is possible to use this section to indicate the need for minor changes.
Please assess for the points above the potential risks for a successful project implementation
(low/medium/high) and how you will mitigate these risks. Do you foresee any difficulties with
achieving the results, or for the relevance of the results?
4 - Target groups
In this section we would like to capture how the target groups were involved in the project activities during this period, and if underrepresented groups were reached.
You may indicate the numbers reached by your project. Please give whole numbers only.