Project report Submit
In this section the project report can be submitted. After submission, the project report is frozen and the MA/JS verification can be started.
Pre-submission checks
Automated checks are performed on the content of the project report to ensure that it is completed in all its parts. In case of issues, it is possible to read the cause of the issue and which section of the report needs to be corrected.
This functions also verifies if there is any information missing from the Contracting section of your project.
Click on the small arrow to expand and read the underlying issues.

Run the pre-submission checks right from the start of your report drafting!
The submission button will only become active once there pre-submission checks return all valid.
Submit a project report
By submitting your project report you certify that the information in this project report is complete and correct, and in accordance with national laws and EU regulations, and, if applicable, State aid regulations. You further acknowledge the rules considering public tendering, competition policy and eligible costs. By submitting this Project Report you also apply for payment in accordance with the Northern Periphery and Arctic programme 2021-2027 grant letter for main project funding.
Once submitted, the status of the report changes to Submitted. After submission, the project report is locked and the verification work by the programme can be started.